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Total Population 31,841,374 (2008 Census)
Males: 15,471,420
Females: 16,369,955
3.44% of India's people live in Kerala. At 819 persons per km², its land is three times as densely settled as the rest of India.
Males: 15,471,420
Females: 16,369,955
3.44% of India's people live in Kerala. At 819 persons per km², its land is three times as densely settled as the rest of India.
Islam -24.70%
Christianity -19.00%
Other- 0.02%
Past religions that were prominent in Kerala were Dravidian, Jainism (ended at 8th century), and Buddhism . The oldest church in India is found in Palayoor, which was constructed in A.D. 52 by St. Thomas. The Hindu, Christian and Muslim people are considered peaceful and live as good neighbors.
Islam -24.70%
Christianity -19.00%
Other- 0.02%
Past religions that were prominent in Kerala were Dravidian, Jainism (ended at 8th century), and Buddhism . The oldest church in India is found in Palayoor, which was constructed in A.D. 52 by St. Thomas. The Hindu, Christian and Muslim people are considered peaceful and live as good neighbors.
Languages Spoken in Kerala
Malayalam is Kerala's official language; Tamil, Tulu, Kannada, Hindi and various Adivasi (Tribal) languages are also spoken by ethnic minorities especially in the south-western region
Malayalam (/malayALam/)- main language of Kerala & the Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadives) (west coast of India). Malayalis (speakers of Malayalam) are almost totally literate. 4 % of the population of India speak Malayalam and 96% of the population of Kerala speak it (29.01 million in 1991). Malayalam ranks 8 among the 15 major languages of India. The great majority of residents of Kerala are Malayalis, but there are many smaller ethnic groups including Tuluvas, Tamils, Kannadigas and Konkanis.
Malayalam (/malayALam/)- main language of Kerala & the Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadives) (west coast of India). Malayalis (speakers of Malayalam) are almost totally literate. 4 % of the population of India speak Malayalam and 96% of the population of Kerala speak it (29.01 million in 1991). Malayalam ranks 8 among the 15 major languages of India. The great majority of residents of Kerala are Malayalis, but there are many smaller ethnic groups including Tuluvas, Tamils, Kannadigas and Konkanis.
Social Development:
Kerala ranks highest in India with respect to social development indices such as elimination of poverty, primary education and healthcare. In 1911 the people of Kerala and nearby states in India worked towards boosting healthcare and education in their state (unusual focus on India at the time), and by the time of Kerala’s post-independence inauguration they had reached their goal with a percentage of 91% literate and the highest life expectancy in India. Kerala was declared a baby-friendly state because UNICEF and the World Health Organization promoted a program to improve infant and mother care in health facilities. Also a popular part of healthcare in Kerala is Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine. Kerala’s population is steadily aging — indeed, 11.2% of Keralites are age 60 or over

The Arabian Sea is in the west. The Western Ghats, towering 500-2700 m are in the east and Kerala is networked by 44 rivers. Climate is tropical